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Support Forum » ledarray_template

October 27, 2010
by mmw1
mmw1's Avatar

I built the led array kit and the test program works perfectly. But when I try to compile the makefile in ledarray_template nothing happens. It should say "HELLO", right? But all leds are off. What am I missing?

October 27, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi mmw1,

Did you go through and edit the ledarray_educational code and edit that to say "HELLO"? That is by far the best way to go if you really want to learn and understand the led array.

The ledarray_template code is setup to run the later iteration of the project where you connect the array to the computer and send it characters that way. If you open it up and scroll down to the main function you will see the code for the HELLO is there, just commented out in case you get stuck when coding it yourself. The actual it runs when unmodified is the do_scrolling_display() function which you will be coding later.


October 27, 2010
by mmw1
mmw1's Avatar

Thanks, that fixed my problem!!

January 07, 2011
by dfender62467
dfender62467's Avatar

I am very new to nerd kits and have hit a brick wall. This is where I am stuck. I have done the test template and it uploads and runs fine but to upload any of the other templates I receive a scrolling question mark any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

January 09, 2011
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi dfender62467,

The question mark generally indicates an unknown data byte -- specifically one that is not in the font matrix. Did you try sending any information to the microcontroller via the USB-Serial connection? In any case, I'd suggest that you create a new forum discussion for your issue.


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