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Support Forum » programmer is not responding

October 29, 2010
by Topher
Topher's Avatar

after running the make file I get a weird error saying:

Connecting to programmer: .avrdude: butterfly_recv(): programmer is not responding make: *** [initialload-upload] Error 1

If you could tell me what this means and how I go about fixing it, I would greatly appreciate it.

October 29, 2010
by bpenglase
bpenglase's Avatar

The biggest one for this would probably be that you haven't switched the Microcontroller into programming mode. Pin 12, if you followed the Nerdkits Guide, should have a switch attached to it, which should connect that pin to Ground for programming.

If you could take a picture of the board, that always helps, but basically the chip isn't talking, be it because it isn't in programming mode, or it isn't receiving power.

October 29, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Topher,

This error basically means something went wrong somewhere and your computer can't talk to the MCU, so it is a pretty broad error.

Like bpenglase mentioned a common cause is that your MCU is not in programming mode. Make sure the switch is in the right position, and make sure you are seeing two black bars on the LCD.

Have you been able to program your chip in the past with success, or is this the first time you try? A possible cause is a low battery, or a misplaced wire somewhere. Double check your wiring, and battery ad give programming another try.

Sometimes the computer can just be finicky, especially if you are on a mac, try disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable, or switching the cable to a different port.

If you still can't find the issue post some pictures of your setup, perhaps we can help you spot what is wrong.


October 29, 2010
by Topher
Topher's Avatar

This is the first time I've programmed my chip. The first couple of times I tried I saw the two black bars on my LCD but now I don't see anything. Is it possible I messed up my chip? I don't have my camera with me so I'll post some pictures tomorrow.

Thank you both for answering my post.

October 31, 2010
by Topher
Topher's Avatar

Ok here are a couple of pictures. I'm not sure what exactly you need to see, so if you need more to help me please let me know and I'll post more.

bread board and LCD pins

bread board

November 01, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Topher,

On the top left of your pictures it looks like you mixed up the power connection to one of the power rails. You have both the red and the blue wires connected to the same rail. This creates a short from +5 to GND. This probably completely drained your battery, which is why you can't see anything on the LCD any more. If you fix the wiring error and try a new battery you should be able to see the original message, and be able to program the chip.

Keep in mind that you might have damaged the some component with the short, but it is unlikely if you were just using the 9V battery.


November 01, 2010
by Topher
Topher's Avatar

Thank you so much! I can't believe I missed that. I just ran the make file and everything worked great. All the parts seem to be fine.

This is my first hands on project with electronics (I've used a circuit simulator before) and you guys have made it an awesome experience.

Thank you,


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