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Customer Testimonials » SLAM DUNK !! FIRST PROJECT DONE & DUSTED

November 05, 2010

Just knocked over the temperature sensor & feeling pretty good about the whole experience. This was my first ever attempt at electronics & while I'll have to go back & do a bit of review work on a few things I'm still very pleased with the outcome, but, could I just add that there seems to be some fairly important steps that you’ve seen fit to leave out.

  1. There is no way of telling which way is up (on) on the programming switch,(that I could find).
  2. I can’t see anywhere in your instructions that tells me to disconnect the USB cable, turn the switch back to off (once I had worked out what off was) & turn off (re-boot) the chip after programming. Thankfully through trial & error I worked it out but may I suggest that those points be added to your instructions in future.

That said, all in all, I'm very pleased with the experience & I can't wait to launch into another project.

Cheers guys, Glen

November 05, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

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Hi Glen,

I'm glad you are enjoying your NerdKit. I think a little trial and error (particularly if it is thought provoking) is a good thing, but I will make sure I look into making those sections a little more clear in a future version of the Guide.

I hope to hear about your progress in other projects on our forums!


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