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Support Forum » inital load doesnt load

December 01, 2010
by archee
archee's Avatar

I changed COM port from COM6 to COM1 manualy in device manager, (and did that in makefile too) double checkd my wiers fliped the swich so it would connect GND to MCU`s PIN 14 yellow programmers wire goes into PIN2 green wire goes into PIN3

when I connect circut to the 9V battery one of the leds flashes on NerdKits Programmer and LCD shows two lines of characters black.

pic of CMD

in the picture you can see my CMD error

when I flip the swich and disconect PIN 14 from GND everything works fine.

my OS Win7(64 - bit)

will be grateful for any kind of help


December 01, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Rename your \Cod\ folder to \Code\ and try that.


December 01, 2010
by archee
archee's Avatar

Hi Ralph Thanks for replay...

But sadly it didn`t work.

I decided to restart my laptop just to see if that will make any changes, and that did make changes. After a restart I was able to compile and upload initialload.c file...

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