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Project Help and Ideas » Data Logging

December 11, 2010
by DaveFla
DaveFla's Avatar

Anyone have ideas for logging data gathered using NerdKit?

I do not want to connect the NerdKit to a PC while collecting data.

I saw the project using an SDCard.

It seams like a reasonable approach.

What do you think?

December 13, 2010
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

People have different implementations of reading and writing to the Nerdkit mcu, it certainly is doable.

Search the Nerdkit forum for SD to see the other threads and Google AVR SD to get some real in depth discussions.

The challenge "was" implementing a file system (FAT or Win32) on the ATmega168 because of limited memory space, but that appears to have been worked around.

I'd like to see/have the tempsensor project being able to store data.


December 13, 2010
by DaveFla
DaveFla's Avatar

I now am considering having my MCU program write the data to Flash to store the data.

Then, use something like RealTerminal to read the data.

December 13, 2010
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

Flash can only be written from the bootloader since the self-programming commands are disabled when run from the Application section.

FAT file system isn't necessary for using an SD card--that's only needed if you want to be able to read the SD card from a PC or compatible device. If you're just reading from the SD yourself the next time you connect to a PC, you can organize the SD however you want.

January 03, 2011
by Jalex
Jalex's Avatar

I like the idea of using an SD memory chip with it and would like to try that but I would like to use a socket for it. Can I buy one somewhere?

January 03, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Jalex,

If you search ebay for SD card socket you will get some pretty interesting results. Most of those sockets you are meant to be soldered onto a surface mount board, but I am sure if you are careful you can solder wires onto them. They are so cheap you can buy more than one in case you mess up. That is just one idea.


January 03, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Check out the link in the data input voltage thread of the basic electronics forum. I linked to a nice little micro SD card breakout board.


January 04, 2011
by jgreen6800
jgreen6800's Avatar

I know this is off the beaten path, but I would like to interface my MCU with some sort of non-volatile memory to record values from my ADC. Does anyone have any experience interfacing the MCU with EEPROM or other non-volatile memory? I have never done anything like this before. Is there any good reference material out there for a newbie? Thanks for your input. Jim

January 05, 2011
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi Jim,

I'm not sure how much data you're trying to store, or how quickly you need to be able to read or write it, but assuming it's more than the 512 bytes of built-in EEPROM on the ATmega168, I'd start with by searching DigiKey for "eeprom spi dip". That will show you a bunch of parts, up to 1 Megabit (128 kilobytes) in a single DIP-8 package, easily interfaced with over the SPI bus. Hope that helps you get started!


January 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Jim, this could be very interesting please start a new thread devoted just to EEPROM.


January 05, 2011
by jgreen6800
jgreen6800's Avatar

Thanks Mike and Ralph. I'll start a new thread "EEPROM". See you there!


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