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Everything Else » LCD screen pinouts

December 28, 2010
by Hexorg
Hexorg's Avatar

Hi everyone :) I was wondering what are the rest of the pins in the LCD header that are not used but the NerdKit guide? Is there anyway I can find what pins match HD44780's datasheet?

December 28, 2010
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

Four of them are used for 8-bit data transfer mode, and one is used to read the status and character address. Wikipedia

December 28, 2010
by Hexorg
Hexorg's Avatar

Oh! So stuff like busy flag can actually be read as a data! I kept thinking one of the unused pins will be 0 when free and 1 when busy. Nevermind, thanks :)

December 28, 2010
by bpenglase
bpenglase's Avatar

During one of my Internet searches for something, I did happen across this PDF. This seems to be the same LCD that's used in the kit. Has some pinouts, dimensions, etc. Hopefully someone find this useful :)

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