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Project Help and Ideas » Morse Code Decoder / Making Music with a Microcontroller diagrams?

June 04, 2009
by Tug
Tug's Avatar

Hello, I am trying those tutorials, but I couldn't find the diagrams. Any help would be grateful, thanks. -Tug

June 13, 2009
by Tug
Tug's Avatar

Does it matter for the "piezoelectric sound meter" project if I use 35v or 63v as long as it is 10µf ?

June 18, 2009
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

From what I can tell, (regarding your first question), there are no diagrams. I've always tended to start off with the temp sensor example, then just remove the actual sensor, and use that circuit as a starting point. When you examine the source code, there is usually a 'Pin Definitions' section at the top that explains what plugs in where.

For your second question.... sorry, I don't have a clue.

May 04, 2010
by enriqu5_mo
enriqu5_mo's Avatar

Hello, I was attempting the Morse Code Decoder project,but I couldn't find a MAKEFILE. I have no idea what goes into this file. Also, I do not know where to place the PUSH Button. Thanks for any help.

May 05, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi enriqu5_mo,

The Makefiles are actually just a list of commands that the computer has to go through to compile, and upload your code to the chip. At some point it would be very useful for you to star being able to make your own (and try to understand what goes in one). If you went through the NerdKits Guide there is a section on page 68 that talks about the Makefile and how to modify one for a new project you are doing. Give creating your own Makefile a shot, and let us know if you get confused.

We generally do not provide schematics for these two projects because they are again a great learning opportunity. Read through the code of the project you are thinking of doing and try to rebuild the circuit to fit the code. If you get stuck on a certain concept let us know on the forums, we will do our best to help.


May 05, 2010
by enriqu5_mo
enriqu5_mo's Avatar

Thank you Humberto. I appreciate your help and your encouragement!!

December 25, 2010
by n1cl3
n1cl3's Avatar

Hi, I would also like to know where the pushbutton goes. Could you please point me to the pages where I could find the meaning of the pin definitions? Thanks.

December 26, 2010
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi n1cl3,

The best place to find the Pin definitions on your chip is the datasheet. You can find a link to the datasheet on the downloads page in the members area. Page 2 has a pinout of your chip and all the Pin names we use in the code like PC0 etc. Notice that some pins have more than one name attached to them, this is because these pins can be more than one thing. Like the ADC input pins that can also act as a normal digital input pin. Hope that makes sense.


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