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Support Forum » LED Array Project skiping a column

January 01, 2011
by TheCajun
TheCajun's Avatar

Running the ledarray test does display as expected. Each LED lights sequentially from top to bottom, left to right. However, running the template we noticed characters looking odd. So I created a font where all LEDs are lit (just 'space' and 'A' where 'A' was all LEDs lit). Running this printing 2 'A's showed the 5th column was shifted right one. Every 'A' had 5th column off and sixth column lit. This is only 5 wide font. It looked like this.

#### #
#### #
#### #
#### #
#### #

The supplied example code reflected this characteristic so it's not our code, and hardware running test indicates hardware is working right. Any ideas?

Thank you,


January 02, 2011
by TheCajun
TheCajun's Avatar

Turns out my son had LEDs in columns 2-6 switched. After slowing it down to see what was happening I learned the test pattern was not working. My son was supervised on 6 columns and was left with the other 6 (with a friend). Guess that was not a good idea. Someone did look over the work but must have only looked at the column they got right. So 3 hours of corrective soldering and it now works right :)

Thank you,


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