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Sensors, Actuators, and Robotics » Cap charging measurment

January 05, 2011
by Jalex
Jalex's Avatar

Is the A/D fast enough to measure the charging time on a 5meg/30pf RC? I want to gate out a position on the ramp and convert it to a voltage to be displayed after a simple calculation. I can do some of this with op-amps but I just wondered if I can eliminate them all together. I will need a trigger voltage to start the charge and one to "0" it after it been read. Also on line two of the display I will want a frequency read out by gating in a section of a pulse train. Is there a nerdkit project that is close enough to this to start me in the right direction?

January 11, 2011
by Yourself
Yourself's Avatar

Well, the fundamental time scale in an RC circuit is the product of R and C. In this case:

510^6 Ohm * 3010^-12 Farad = 150*10^-6 seconds = 150 microseconds

This is the length of time it takes for the voltage across the capacitor to reach ~63% (1-1/e) of its maximum voltage. According to the data sheet the ADC takes 13 clock cycles to perform a conversion (25 cycles on first conversion). This is in terms of the ADC clock. I haven't done enough with the ADC yet to say exactly how long that is.

January 11, 2011
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

Hi Jalex,

You may want to take a look at our capacitive proximity sensor project, in which we used the analog comparator to time the charge/discharge of a small RC time constant. I think that's going to be fairly similar to what you want.


January 12, 2011
by Jalex
Jalex's Avatar

Thanks Mike That's pretty close to what I had in mind and I will be trying it but could I get a fairly accurate measurement of time using Say a 1M resistor and a 40pf capacitor? I am looking for numbers like 0-180.

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