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Microcontroller Programming » initialload.c opens in visual basic instead of programmers notepad

January 06, 2011
by mrkvickasteve
mrkvickasteve's Avatar

I have visual basic installed on my vista pc for school and initialload.c opens in vb instead of programmers notepad so I can not even get to the point where I can program my micro-controller any further. please help

January 06, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Right click the file - select open with - select programmers notepad.


January 06, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi mrkvickasteve,

One thing to remember here is that we only use tools like Programmers Notepad or WordPad to edit the code, not for to compile or do any of the other fancy things large IDEs can do. If you enjoy using Visual Basic, it should be possible to edit the code in Visual Basic, save it, and then switch over to the command line to compile the code and upload it to the chip. You can always also open Programmers Notepad (or any other text editor) first and then choose file-> open, and navigate to where your source code is.


January 06, 2011
by mrkvickasteve
mrkvickasteve's Avatar

Thank you for your quick replies


I tried that but it did not work because the open with category is blocked probably due to something Microsoft blocked with vb but I still can edit it in vb and that is fine. I was under the impression that I had to use programmers notepad to make this work properly.


Yes I actually navigated to initialload.c and the makefile with programmers notepad using the open function in winAVR but it opened in vb by default?????? any way I was still able to change the text in vb just fine so that is not an issue anymore.

After changing my makefile to this line below

AVRDUDEFLAGS=-c avr109 -p m168 -b 115200 -P /dev/com2

I got the response from the command "can't open the device "dev/com2" IS MY SYNTAX WRONG?????

thanks again guys, Steve

January 07, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If your com port is 2, just use com2 instead of /dev/com2. The /dev/XX is used in Linux/Unix/Mac environments.


January 08, 2011
by mrkvickasteve
mrkvickasteve's Avatar

thank you both again and Rick, that was the correct syntax you gave me in the last post. it worked with no problem

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