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Everything Else » NerdKits NerdSnips (repositories)

June 06, 2009
by wayward
wayward's Avatar

mcai8sh4 and I just came up with an idea on IRC: people often post code snippets and ask for help; also, there might be some libraries we make that others could find useful; and NerdKits code itself is subject to updates, not to mention new projects that will undoubtedly follow. How about setting up a simple Subversion or Bazaar installation for the members? Each member would have their own repository with write privileges and read privileges to other members' code, maybe a quota of, I don't know, 10 megabytes (quite sufficient)?

Alternatively, we could all share one svn/bzr/git/etc. repository on some public site such as Launchpad or SourceForge, but the drawbacks are of course obvious.

Support for using the repository would only need to cover checking out official NerdKits projects from there, and if people want to share their own code, manuals and tutorials are widely available.

June 07, 2009
by lxowle
lxowle's Avatar

I think this is a great idea - I'm just starting out with my own projects, but I already have lots of little code snippets so as to remember how to do basic things (like set a pin to high or low - I'm just starting). Having a place to store these would be great, others might find them useful and I'm sure I would benefit from seeing other people's code.

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