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Basic Electronics » Programming

January 10, 2011
by dragonshawk
dragonshawk's Avatar

are there any good tutorials for learning to program the microcontroller?

January 10, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi dragonshawk,

What do you mean by learning to program the microcontroller. Are you referring the process you go through to actually flash a new program onto the chip, or a more general tutorial on programing on the Atmega168?

For the actual process the USB NerdKit Guide is your best bet. We go over step by step how to program the chips, and if you run into problems, you can go ahead and ask here.

If you are talking about a more general tutorial on programming microcontrollers, we always like to to recommend a learn-by-doing approach. There is nothing better than diving in a tackling a few projects to get a good idea of what the chip can do. If you already went through all the projects in the guide, I would recommend you take a look at our video tutorials for some ideas. We try to focus on a different aspect of what the chip can do in each one. As always if you run into problems the forums are a great place to ask questions.


January 11, 2011
by dragonshawk
dragonshawk's Avatar

I was more referring to writing code. I have had very limited experience with programming (none of it in C) and am trying to become more proficient.

January 14, 2011
by jingham06
jingham06's Avatar

Have you gone through the nerdkits guide? I found this very good, although I had some knowledge of c before hand. Try the web, or if it seems too complicated try learning something a little nicer to get started like c#. My old lecturer released this for free and updates it every year for anyone to get into c# Then once you've done a bit of this you might find c a little easier to understand.

January 14, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

For a good starting place to learn MCU programming try Smiley's.

There is a Quick Start guide on his blog. The "C Programming for Microcontrollers" book

comes highly recommended.


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