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Support Forum » Help with error when uploading microcontroller code.

January 17, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar
I am working on a simple project that controls the six LEDs that were included in the nerd kit. I do not have the lcd connected because I do not need it for this. Every time i try using 'make' to upload the code it gets stuck on "Connecting to programmer." for a while then when it finally moves on I get this:

Found programmer: Id = "" ""; type = Software Version = . ; Hardware Version = . avrdude: error: buffer memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? MAKE: *** [lights-upload] Error 1

I have checked and double checked all of my connections and the are correct. I have looked at other forum posts with the same or a similar issue to this but that didn't help me. I am afraid I may have blown my microcontroller. What could be the problem?
January 17, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

I am working on a simple project that controls the six LEDs that were included in the nerd kit. I do not have the lcd connected because I do not need it for this. Every time i try using 'make' to upload the code it gets stuck on "Connecting to programmer." for a while then when it finally moves on I get this:

Found programmer: Id = "" ""; type = Software Version = . ; Hardware Version = . avrdude: error: buffer memory access not supported. Maybe it isn't a butterfly/AVR109 but a AVR910 device? MAKE: *** [lights-upload] Error 1

I have checked and double checked all of my connections and the are correct. I have looked at other forum posts with the same or a similar issue to this but that didn't help me. I am afraid I may have blown my microcontroller. What could be the problem?

January 17, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

What is with the posts?

January 17, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If you put 4 spaces before any line, the forum interprets it as code and formats it as such with no line wrap. That's what happened to your first post.


January 17, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

As for your problem,

  1. Make sure you don't have battery and the USB Red wire connected at the same time.
  2. Make sure your programming switch is in the correct position.
  3. Make sure the makefile has been set for your correct port your USB adapter is at and if using a Windows pc has been changed to comX where X is the port your adapter is at.
  4. Post a closeup overhead photo of your circuit so we can see it. Sometimes another set of eyes can see something.
  5. Post a screenshot of the cmd window so we can see the full output of make.
January 17, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Probable a USB problem, what OS are you using?

Unplug the USB cable and replug if that doesn't work reboot.

This of curse assumes everything as noted by Rick is correct.


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