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Microcontroller Programming » Loading issues

January 21, 2011
by Shabigity
Shabigity's Avatar

I do not understand what is going on. I was loading to the chip fine for most of the day. Then it stopped loading. I have attached a print screen of the command prompt window. Can someone instruct me to what i am doing incorrectly!

help please



January 21, 2011
by SpaceGhost
SpaceGhost's Avatar

I've heard that disconnecting the USB cable, and plugging it back in (reboot) might solve your problem... Here is another Nerdkit forum thread discussing this topic.

Hope that helps


January 22, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

The problem you are seeing is AVRDude is having trouble communicating to your microcontroller for some reason. This could be caused by several factors. Did you build a new project prior to the issue? Could you have accidentally dislodged the green or yellow wire from your USB/Serial adapter cable? Did they get removed and reversed? Is the chip definately in program mode? Is the crystal still in proper position? Is the power to your circuit good?... Any of these and more could cause the problem.

I know it's been several hours since you posted, if you are still having the issue, post an overhead photo of your circuit, that may help us narrow it down a bit more for you.


January 22, 2011
by Shabigity
Shabigity's Avatar

Thank you the advise. I have found the problem! It turns out one for the jumpers that went to ground broke. The lead broke of the end of the jumper. I placed a new wire on and it worked without a problem.

Thanks for your help!


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