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Project Help and Ideas » Finished Projects

January 25, 2011
by haaser
haaser's Avatar

I have a project that I am almost finished. Nothing special but I want to take it off the breadboard and put it to something permanment. Since I am new I was just wondering what the best solution is. Also what are people enclosing the projects in? Does anyone have pictures of finished projects? Maybe the NerdKits team can post a photo of the Digital Caliper finished project?

January 26, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi haaser,

We never actually fully packed up the DRO project. The breadboard is fastened to the cardboard with wire and it just hangs on the machine. Sometimes for more "permanent" projects we use a box like this one from RadioShack (they have them in different sizes).


January 26, 2011
by haaser
haaser's Avatar

Do you guys still use the bread board or do you use a more permanment solution?

January 26, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Haaser,

For the DRO we just left it on the breadboard, although once we get all three axis working we might swithch it to something more permanent. We usually use perf boards like these to mount permanent projects. It is basically a breadboard you can solder to. I would recommend getting a socket for your mcu so you don't have to solder the chip on permanently.


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