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Support Forum » i think i found a mistake in the USB NerdKits Guide

February 03, 2011
by celltoolz
celltoolz's Avatar


Page: 53 (change the word 'method' to 'function') sorry if i'm wrong, lol..

The next function we are going to write is the main() function. Every program you write in C has to have a main() function. This is the function which automatically runs when you start your microcontroller. From the main METHOD you can do whatever you want, including calling other functions. From our main METHOD we will be doing computations, using the METHODS we already wrote, and writing to the LCD.


The next function we are going to write is the main() function. Every program you write in C has to have a main() function. This is the function which automatically runs when you start your microcontroller. From the main FUNCTION you can do whatever you want, including calling other functions. From our main FUNCTION we will be doing computations, using the FUNCTIONS we already wrote, and writing to the LCD.

Hope this helps. Also this is pretty cool thanks for setting this up for us beginners.

February 11, 2011
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Ahhhhh.... we can see the writers of the document are object oriented..... :D celltoolz is correct.


February 12, 2011
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

Function, method, procedure, subroutine...they're all just different names for essentially the same thing. You may argue that a method is object-oriented nomenclature but that's just common usage, not an absolute definition. When the compiler gets done with it the distinctions all melt away into push, call, and ret instructions.

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