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Support Forum » odd error msg after compiling tempsensor code

February 05, 2011
by coastm
coastm's Avatar

I've receive this error message:

alt image text
and can't find a related answer on these threads.

Last time I programmed anything was 30 years ago (Basic). I think I managed to debug what I typed from the guide. It seems like this last error is hanging me up. And it doesn't seem like a coding problem, but maybe it is.

I'm running in Vista, if that matters.

Hope you can help.

February 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi coastm, I searched the forum for "butterfly" and got over a hundred discussions about "not being a butterfly".

In summary it probable is a USB problem, what OS are you using?

Unplug your UBS cable. Reboot.

I think we all have seen that at one time or another.


February 05, 2011
by coastm
coastm's Avatar

Thanks Ralph.

Rebooting didn't work but thank you for searching forums. I'll spend some more time there and see if I can't figure this out.


February 05, 2011
by coastm
coastm's Avatar

After rebuilding it from step one and getting nowhere, I found a post that mentioned battery strength, so I tested it, and wouldn't you know. That was it. swap the battery and it loaded right up. amazing.

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