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Support Forum » Usb cable stopped working

February 17, 2011
by leedawg
leedawg's Avatar

So I plugged the usb serial cable in to try some new code on my avr and the computer does not recognize a usb device was plugged in. Tried all the ports nothing. So plugged it into my laptop still nothing. Has anybody had problems with their cable. I just got this kit for christmas month ago. Any thoughts our should I just purchase a new cable? thanks for any feedback


February 18, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi Lee,

Can you think of anything you did that might have caused a short in the cables power lines? It is very rare that a working cable just completely stop working. Are you sure that the cable is not currently causing a short (red and black wires connected together), this might cause your computers USB port to shut down to protect itself.


February 19, 2011
by leedawg
leedawg's Avatar

Thanks for the reply Humberto.

Yeah I checked everything I still get 5v out of the red and black wires from the computers USB port but none of my three computers recognize it as a USB device any more really weird. I dont get the little windows sound when you plug a USB device in or the other one when you unplug something USB.

Any way I placed an order for a new cable along with another MCU and a couple of questions in an email addressed to support @

Thanks again for the input though and responding I appreciate it.


March 18, 2011
by 6776nft6mfa632dt7rgw
6776nft6mfa632dt7rgw's Avatar
I have not been able to obtain the guide my secound kit. It's the led scroling screen. When I type the number in it tells me that the token number has been used but not by me. please help!
March 18, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi there,

I'm not really sure why you are not able to register the second kit, and to get you sorted out we are probably going to need some personal details. If you go ahead and send us an email at support <at> nerdkits <dot> com, and let me know the original order name and address I will be able to help you.


May 02, 2011
by hariharan
hariharan's Avatar

I have a question, like, can i use any other cable with the nerd kits? like the printer usb cable?

May 03, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Short answer NO!! Notice the Nerdkits USB cable has a funny bulge at the end. Guess what there are things going in there to make it work!

Search the forum for "usb cable" to get the details.


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