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Microcontroller Programming » Programming Capabilities

February 23, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

Will I be able to program the Nerdkit microchip to randomly choose different voltages.

February 23, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

"Will I be able to program the Nerdkit microchip to randomly choose different voltages."

From what?

A little more detail might help us answer.


February 23, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

When I have a 9 volt battery connected to the microchip, can I program the chip to randomly choose different voltages for an output?

February 23, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

You will be sorry if you have 9volts connected to the microchip.

That is what the voltage regulator is for, to reduce the voltage down to the allowable 5 volts.

Search the forum for DAC as in Digital to Analog Converter there are a lot of discussions about DAC one of them should adress your question.


February 23, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

Okay, 5 volts. Can I still do the random voltage between 0 and 5 volts?

February 23, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Ok, still search for DAC!


February 23, 2011
by Twarter369
Twarter369's Avatar

"Can you" Sure. "how would I" is more difficult. I would suggest using a voltage divider or some series resistors to step down from 5v or a MOSFET/Relay to control more than 5v (i.e. 9v, 12v, 24v, etc.) Each pin could yield a different VOut while the MCU is kept in the dark about the specifics.

Pseudo Randomness is something, I believe, the MCU can handle for you.

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