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Microcontroller Programming » HCI with Electrooculography

March 12, 2011
by lcruz007
lcruz007's Avatar

This is the currently working system of my HCI system using Electrooculography.

Check my website for more information!

March 13, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Luis, unbelievable. You are only using two sensors before you had three. Do you have a schematic of your current sensor setup.

How are you inputting the letter selection? I think I understand the movement coming from your eyes do you have a blink sensor or are you pushing a button? Now motion detection with blink detection would be cool. Is there a voltage jump when you blink?

I love it.


March 13, 2011
by lcruz007
lcruz007's Avatar

Hey Ralph,

I don't have the complete schematics but I got more information, some schematics and explanation on my website.

I'm not using blinking because I am only using horizontal eye movements and not vertical movements (just to make it more simple). That's indeed possible if I added vertical movements, but would make it a little more uncomfortable for the user.

If you have any suggestions about how can I make this better, please let me know!

March 13, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Luis, anyone wanting to learn electronics has to read your paper! That is probable the simplest to understand explanation of Power Supplies, High and Low Pass Filters and other electronics components I have ever read.

I sure wish I could help you monetize your work and education. Where are you applying for college I hope MIT is high on your list.

I can not wait to hear about your next project.


March 14, 2011
by lcruz007
lcruz007's Avatar

Hey Ralph thanks a lot for your comments,

I'm currently in Colorado Springs, CO trying to get into any college I can. As an international student, that's hard sometimes because of scholarship programs and such. That's why I am currently participating on a science fair here in CO in order to showcase my projects, going to compete at state level now, hopefully I'll get more options by then.

I'll keep you informed!

Thank you! :D

Luis Cruz

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