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Microcontroller Programming » Uart

March 19, 2011
by hariharan
hariharan's Avatar

How can i use a uart and c programing to create an user interface to the lcd with a computer? And how will i input the string?

March 19, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hi hariharan, As far as executing programs on your computer- If you research python you will find that you are able to open programs using python on your computer. If you take a look at the As far as a menu on the LCD, if you mean that, then I'm not sure... If you are unfamiliar with the scanf then you should look at the tutorial of printf and scanf basics of reading and writing things to your MCU using a serial client such as Putty or hyperterminal. A simple google search of python and pyserial will get you started. -missle3944

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