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Microcontroller Programming » Attiny10

March 22, 2011
by kapkunal
kapkunal's Avatar

How to program Attiny10 or Attiny9/8? I guess it supports TPI. Do I need to use AVRISP MK2? does it support TPI?

March 23, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Is there any reason why you'd use the 10 when you could get much more bang for the buck in a 45 or 85? More memory, more features, ISP programming interface instead of the TPI interface. ISP is more supported by third parties. I believe the 10's are the older gen avr's. If they are what you have to use, you will most likely have to have a supported Atmel programmer and use Atmel's AVR Studio for programming it.


March 23, 2011
by kapkunal
kapkunal's Avatar

because of its size. I believe those are the smallest I can use and I have bunch of them. Which programmer you think supports Attiny8/9/10? Am I supposed to buy AVRISP MK2?

March 23, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

The ATmel Dragon starts at the ATiny11, you'll to make sure and check the specs for anything you buy. You probable end up getting a older programmer rather than a newer one I do not have the spec for the AVRISP MK2.

Gee, Rick you don't look like you got any sun. You must have found some other things to do while you were on vacation.


March 24, 2011
by kapkunal
kapkunal's Avatar

If yor are using AVR studio, go to help > avr tools user guide > avr ISP mk2 and click on supported devices list. all tiny`s are on the list. If it supports then I would like to buy one that way I can also program my other new microcontrollers. Is there anybody sure about it?

March 25, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

When you were referring to size, were you referring to the 6 pin sot-23 package size? If so, I hope you have some good soldering skills :D Those little buggers are less than 1/8" square with about 1/32" pin spacing.

Otherwise, the tiny45/85's come in 8 pin dip, and sop8 and they have a more common ISP interface for programming.

March 25, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Correction, not sop8, SOIC8 and the tiny45's can be gotten in tssop8

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