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Basic Electronics » Black Display on LCD

March 27, 2011
by Druidman
Druidman's Avatar

I initially set up the kit as per the first build. It worked fine and gave me the correct display. I shifted the LCD which apparently shifted the wiring, possibly creating a random short between wires. The LCD now displays only black rectangles. Is this an LCD issue or was the program corrupted??

March 27, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Shut off all power, remove the USB wires move the run/program switch to program.

What happens? I had the black rectangles you do mean you are getting them on line 1, 2, 3, and 4 correct not just lines 1 and 3.

I can not remember the cause or specific solution/resolution.

Black bars on lines 1 and 3 in run mode usually mean the program got zapped.

Redo your LCD wiring, in fact take a close look at all of your wiring but specifically rewire your LCD.


March 27, 2011
by Druidman
Druidman's Avatar

I had not gotten to the wiring of the USB yet. Lines 1, 2, 3 ,4 are all black rectangles. I think you may be right about the program getting zapped. I think I may have to reload the program so I will have to jump to that task to move ahead. Any suggestions on that?

March 27, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hi Druidman,

I remember I had this issue about 3 months ago. I remember I fixed it by either rewiring the LCD or I replaced the battery by running off of USB power. If you rewire your LCD or your board make sure you have a good 1/8th inch or 1/4 inch of wire going into the lcd to get a proper connection. I remember I had some issues with it because I did not have a proper pair of wire strippers.


March 28, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Do you get just two black bars in program mode (switch up to the left)?

If not then there has to something about your wiring.


March 28, 2011
by Druidman
Druidman's Avatar

I redid my wiring again and found that I had essentially bypassed the 5V regulator when I tried to simplify my wiring.The kit is now displaying the opening message correctly. Thanks for the support.

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