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Support Forum » text editor?

March 28, 2011
by 6776nft6mfa632dt7rgw
6776nft6mfa632dt7rgw's Avatar

Hi I can get the "ports" and to Prolific USB-to-Serial COM5 line but I get lost when ask to the Makefile in a texted editor. Thanks for any help you can give me. I'v alawys been told that the only dumb question was the one not asked. thanx again

       paul miottke
March 28, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

And exactly what is your question?


March 28, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar


I think your issue is that Windows does not have a default setting for editing the Makefile with, so it just shows you a bunch of programs when you double click one. My suggestion is to first open your favorite text editor and then go to File->Open and open then navigate to the Makefile that way. That way it will be clear what program you are trying to open it with. If you don't know which editor to use at first I would start with WordPad, it is very bare bones and great to start with before you move up to a more powerful editor.


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