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Basic Electronics » REFLOW Soldering

April 04, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

This is in conjunction with Rick's thread about implementing the I2C protocol for a I2C (TWI) Port Expander to implement his code, to use only two wires for the LCD display freeing up Port D for other use.

So if you're following Ricks's thread you will know that I am trying to implement a I2C driver using Rick's code and that I need to use a TSSOP 24 pin MAX7318AAG "Port Expander" and that I need to use "Reflow" soldering to setup a breakout board.

So I finally built up the nerve to actually try to solder a TSSOP device. Guess what it was easy!!

Here is the finished product:

and another look:

I will "try" to edit a movie I made of the whole procedure but I am amazed how easy this was.

I started with a training kit from Proto Advantage up in Canada.

Between their how to videos and other sites I found on the web the whole procedure was really easy.

Now I have to say that I have a Reflow Hot Air station that you will see in the movie it is a AOYUE Int968 at Amazon it cost $169.00 but you can shop around and save a couple of bucks.

I will post the movie after I learn how to edit a .AVI file to make it a reasonable download.

But I highly encourage anyone that is venturing towards doing real fine precision soldering such as TSSOP to proceed on you can do it.

I am waiting on receiving my suggested (by Rick) TRIACs in order to make up a Reflow Oven but for this time I just used my Reflow Hot Air gun.


April 04, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Good job Ralph! Looks great. When I sampled my port expander, I got the soic packaged one that was a bit easier to hand solder.

So you know, when you do build your oven, you will need a triac driving optocoupler (such as an MOC3023) and a 180Ohm Resistor to trigger it with the microcontroller. You will essentially be building a solid state relay. You'll also want to make sure to adequately heat sink the triac. I'm not exactly sure how much current your toaster oven will pull, but if it draws more than half the rating of the triac, you will want to make sure it has a good heat sink.


April 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I was surprised at how easy it was. As you had said I saw when the solder melted (turns real bright) and just left the heat on moving around for a little longer. Actually only on about three pins did I really see the bright solder, that was why I left the heat on a little longer.

The DS3232 was SOIC also I believe that was fairly easy to solder with my soldering iron and the tip that came with it. I did not need to use any of my more needle point tips which I have.

I should get the I2C LCD backpack assembled and working today.

Then I can get back to figuring out the I2C EEPROMs expanded memory.


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