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Everything Else » Is it just Google Chrome running on a Mac that does this?

April 09, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

This seems to have just started occurring recently but whenever I make a post to the forum and hit the back button to return to the forum listings I just do a page refresh and then when I hit back again the page stalls with the revolving arrow like it is waiting on the server to download the page.

It will sit there trying for a long time and then eventually get a timeout.


If I hit the back button again I am returned to the top of the current page where I can click on the forum and return to the listings.

It seems like a month ago it was not doing this so did something change with the server or is it just me?


April 09, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

That sounds weird but I am running Chrome on windows and I never get that. Try safari or mozilla and see if that same problem occurs.


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