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April 09, 2011
by Dtrain316
Dtrain316's Avatar

Just received my nerdkit and wanted to get some ideas about the approach I should take? Should I read all the PDF about basic electronics first then do projects or learn as I go or........? Just looking for some ideas!

April 09, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

For a beginner, I'd recommend just that. Start at the beginning of your NK guide and build each step as you go. DON'T jump ahead even though the temptation may be there. As you go through the guide, you will build your knowledge. As you complete each step, play a little with the source code to change it up a bit... like changing the text on the LCD. Experiment as you go. Learning through doing is kinda the motto here and it works well for most. If you get stumped, post a question, there is almost always someone here willing to jump in with a helping hand. cheers


April 09, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

You you had me going there for a while with the animated icons but I think I have figured it out:

<img alt="cheers" src="" />

You are just linking to the animated .gif.

I tried to do that with the Avatar image but that didn't work, it does on some forums.


February 06, 2012
by greggoshen
greggoshen's Avatar

Sorry to use this thread - my other attempts at message get a "lost link" message. Problem: file will not unzip. Using Windows 7 on a Dell. Message from Windows is "no archives found" and "Either archive is in unknown format or is damaged" Downloaded again, same result. Download date 6 Feb 1012. Up to this point all is "mucho bueno"

February 07, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I just downloaded the file and it extracted fine on my Win 7 PC. Maybe there was something unusual going on you could try again. If it still doesn't work, Humberto or Mike will probably see this thread and get it to you via e-mail.


February 07, 2012
by pcbolt
pcbolt's Avatar


You could try using 7-zip from here:

Link to download

It handles a bunch of formats.

February 07, 2012
by greggoshen
greggoshen's Avatar

Tried 7-zip and j-zip. They did not work. Is the file too large to e-mail unzipped?

February 07, 2012
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I don't know what is going on with your end, the file works perfectly fine here. Unzips with both Windows and 7-Zip. I just tried it again to confirm. Confused

February 08, 2012
by greggoshen
greggoshen's Avatar

I finally got it! I had to use a friends computer. Hers would not unzip my downloaded file either, but I downloaded on her computer and unzipped successfully. I have often thought that since the wind blew so hard in Wyoming the charge on an electron is blown from -1 to -2. This must be the root cause. Thanks

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