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Microcontroller Programming » Programmers Notepad

April 13, 2011
by tdvdbtylr
tdvdbtylr's Avatar

I uninstalled and re-installed WIN AVR and all other code downloads to experiment with it and make sure things would work well if that extreme a measure taken would not interfere with everything working properly. I also deleted the programmers notepad then tried re-downloading WIN AVR 20090313 from the downloads page as well as all code downloads. When I went to search for the "programmers notepad," I could not figure out how to find it. Does anybody know how to find the programmers notepad for NerdKits and make a shortcut to the desktop in order to use it for writing and editing programs? I could not find any answers on any forums for members. Thanks.

Sincerely, David

April 13, 2011
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

If you use windows, this is it:


I have it associated with *.c files so it is used to open the file whenever I click on a .c. 1st time I had to find the program to open and then check always use this program to open the file type.

April 13, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Also, make sure you install WinAVR as an administrator, otherwise some parts don't always get installed. Programmers notepad was one that didn't install on my computer when WinAVR was installed as a regular user.


April 13, 2011
by tdvdbtylr
tdvdbtylr's Avatar

Thank you Noter and Rick. I appreciate your suggestions. Everything is fine. I was able to find my Programmers Notepad and put a shortcut to my desktop, so that I don't have to keep searching for it when I need to write a program. You men are terrific and so kind.

Sincerely, David

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