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Project Help and Ideas » Bioelectromagnetism Meter

April 16, 2011
by CircuitBender777
CircuitBender777's Avatar


I am interested in alternative medicine and recently read that certain bioelectromagnetic fields can start the healing process of several tissues. These include skin, muscles and bone. I'm planning on building a device with my Nerdkit that can measure those bioelectromagnetic fields from a person's hand. The range of frequencies I am looking for are from 3 to 7 Hz. I plan to use a coil for this, but I don't know what components/bits of code to use to filter out background noise or how many turns of wire I will need (i.e. I have no schematic or program.)

Can anybody help?

April 16, 2011
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar

You might need a SQUID and a shielded room. May not be practical on a small scale.


April 16, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well if you don't have a SQUID or a shielded room in your plans you might want talk with Luis Cruz he has the best paper for an introduction to electronics I have ever read it is full of explanations of electronics.

Luis is measuring voltage thru the eye balls to control the cursor on his pc using just his eyes. Here is more.

Reading Luis's paper on how he is controlling the cursor will get you started with "bioelectromagnetic fields " registered on the Nerdkit.


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