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Project Help and Ideas » outdoor led array

April 30, 2011
by escartiz
escartiz's Avatar

Hi everyone, I just finished building and testing my led marquee. Its very exiting to accomplished this projects, I am writing a php script that pulls data from mysql and feeds it to my marquee, its awesome, never had a chance to play with hardware and beginning to wonder the projects i will be developing with my nerdkit.

My first question is if I plan to use my marquee outdoors can I use different or higher intensity leds? The ones supplied with my kit work great indoors but you can barely see them outdoors.

I see that leds are rated at "mcd" and while checking some websites I found some leds that are rated 16000mcd max. I wonder if I could use this to build another marquee and if everything should work the same or I will need to add more electronics like resistors due to the higher rate? Sorry if this is a stupid question, I am just learning electronics, still trying to fully understand the meaning of each component :)

Here is the complete info:

Product Category: Standard LED - Through Hole
RoHS: RoHS Compliant Details
LED Size: T-1 3/4
Illumination Color: Amber
Lens Color/Style: Untinted Non-Diffused
Operating Voltage: 2.2 V
Wavelength: 590 nm
Luminous Intensity: 5500 mcd to 16000 mcd
Operating Current: 20 mA

I appreciate any help and recommendations for my outdoor marquee. thanks

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