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Microcontroller Programming » Purchased MCU does not work?

May 07, 2011
by paulwszew
paulwszew's Avatar

I purchased several MCU's chip from Digi Key Part number: ATMEGA168-20PU IC AVR MCU 16K 20MHZ 28dip HTSUS: 8452.31.0000 ECCN: EAR99

I was unable to load the chip using LCD code. The Code works great on the chip I was given

May 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

First of all you you do know that there is no bootloader on the mcus you got from Digi Key, correct?

You have to have a bootloader to load your programs.

[quote]I was unable to load the chip using LCD code.[/quote]

I am not sure what you mean by "LCD code!"

Do you mean the code works great on the Nerdkit's chip? That is because there is a bootloader on it.


May 07, 2011
by paulwszew
paulwszew's Avatar

Ralphxyz Thanks so much for the info. I did not realize that the chips had a boot loader on them.

Do you know how I can load the boot-loader program on my chip or where to buy the chips with the boot-loader program on them.

May 07, 2011
by paulwszew
paulwszew's Avatar

This is a great link to explain what is going on:

May 08, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

You can follow my instructions in the newly opened NerdKits Library. Here is the Link.

This provides a full istruction for loading the NerdKit bootloader on the new chips you purchased. You will need a programmer to load the bootloader. The one I currently use is in the instruction.

Also on a last note, there is some good information in the link paulwszew posted. However keep in mind that is an arduino forum so the bootloader they speak of, while similar, is different than that of the NerdKit.


May 08, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

As far as buying chips with the bootloader on them, that is what the Nerdkits guys have a Store for.

You can purchase pre-loaded mcus with the bootloader from the nerdkit guys.

This is another way of supporting the Nerdkit format. Mike and Humberto give support far beyond the initial cost of buying a Nerdkit so I like to spread my purchases around. I'll save a couple of bucks now and then since I have the programmers but then I'll also order from the Store.

Rick's instruction on loading the bootloader are terrific. There are some issues though.


May 08, 2011
by paulwszew
paulwszew's Avatar

I know that this is going to sound stupid but I did not know that the chips can be purchased from the Nerdkits guys. What I plan to do is store the other chips until I get my commercial product build and purchase all my development hardware from NerdKits website. Thanks so much Ralphxyz for the advice. Even with my degree in Electrical Engineering it is difficult to get a development platform set up for learning and development. It will be a few years to get my product developed. It has been even longer getting the guts to start it.

Thanks so much.

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