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Support Forum » Library FYI

May 08, 2011
by amartinez
amartinez's Avatar

I am sure Nerdkits probably knows about this but I found this link about OpAmps in the nerdkit site

This ultimately took me to the library link, but I found that the library has only 3 links and no link to OpAmps. Please look in to this as I found the library a most useful place to do research but there are links missing.

Thank you guys for an incredible experience in the world of hardware programming

May 08, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

amartinez, are you saying you did not see the OP-Amp page or just that there was no link from the home library page?

I added a components link from the Main page.


May 08, 2011
by Hexorg
Hexorg's Avatar

Hey, I didn't want to post a new thread for my questions.. they are about the new library feature.

First of all, that's a really good idea, I like it :D Thank you, NerdKits team for this :D

But my questions are - Will the Library page appear on the top menu of the web-site? And how well tested the library interface is? I tried to post the resistors article, clicked preview, it worked well, but when I clicked post, it just all got erased :\

May 08, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I'm not sure what the problem was Hexorg. I just posted a one line sentance in the How do resistors work section and it posted fine. Maybe they had user restriction that only allowed the original people to post and haven't changed them yet??


May 08, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi all,

@amartinez, the organization of the library i.e how to find each individual page is hopefully something that will evolve inits usability overtime. Hopefully we can maintain well thoughout header pages that link to most of the things in the library to get you to most of the info you want, and some sort of search feature will hopefully take care of the rest. Hopefully our google search integration will work well enough.

@Hexorg. Eventually, yes, I expect to put a Library link up at the top navbar on our page. Currently you will find links to the Library on the bottom navigation links on every page and on the members area. The library code has been somewhat carefully vetted, but as with any system I might have missed something (and I did make few last minute changes the last few days). For the moment I would highly suggest making your edits on a different text editor. Try editing something again and let me know if it still locking out.


May 08, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Humberto, you are telling Stan to do his editing with a text editor and then doing a copy/paste Submit, correct?

That would make sense.


May 08, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Yep. I think for now that is the best way to go about it.


May 09, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

@Hexorg, I believe we have identified a bug in the code that would have prevented you from creating a page if clicked on the ? and you had not yet confirmed you had read the rules of the library. I believe that issue has now been taken care of. Let me know if any other weird issues arise.


May 09, 2011
by amartinez
amartinez's Avatar

Ralph. Hello and thanks for the quick reply. I've been busy with programming this chip over and over. One line change at a time. Yes, I can see the Op Amp info but there is no link from the library root last time I checked. Good stuff though.

Humberto, Thanks for the reply. I'm sure it will be fixed as time goes on, just thought I would flag the problem is all. Awesome site, incredible support guys.

Thank you


May 10, 2011
by Hexorg
Hexorg's Avatar

Humberto, yea, I tried to edit resistors page again, and it asked for rules confirmation this time (it didn't the first time). After I confirmed, everything worked well. Thank you.


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