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Project Help and Ideas » PID Pressure Transducer - Stepper Motor Control Circuit

May 10, 2011
by gankoji
gankoji's Avatar

Hi folks! I am working on a project at work right now to create a closed loop control system where a stepper motor drives an adjustable pressure regulator according to the readout of a standard pressure transducer. So far I have managed to get bi-directional and speed control on a small stepper motor (just the first leg of the project!) using only the ATmega168 and four 2n7000 MOSFETs. I am looking to offset some of the control to a motor controller IC, and wondering if you folks have any advice. I purchased a USMC-01 IC from, but couldn't get it to drive the motor. I'll keep experimenting with it, but if anyone has a better idea I'm open to it. Thinking about incorporating an L287 to actually drive the windings, since it can handle the current. Using this in conjunction with the USMC-01 IC seems a little redundant to me, can it be used just with the ATmega168?

Thanks for your replies.


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