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Everything Else » LCD shows boxes but not letters or words

May 21, 2011
by K7JRE
K7JRE's Avatar

Got new nerdkit, but got no congradulations, just two rows of boxes on the LCD. I cannot tell the difference between the resistors that came 3 to a group and 4 to a group. Is one orange and the other red? Which packing group (3 to group or 4 to group) is Orange?

I can get no power to LCD when using row 28 as instructed.


May 22, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar


Based on your description, my guess is there is a wiring error somewhere. The two rows of black boxes on the LCD tells me the LCD just isn't getting data. If you can post a few good close up pictures of your setup, we will do what we can to point you in the right direction.


May 24, 2011
by aibrahim9386
aibrahim9386's Avatar


I had the same problem. Follow these steps:

  1. Be sure that the resistor you use is (brown,black,red,gold). The red is easily confused with orange. I would use a multimeter to determine the ohms across the resistor and that will help determine if you have the right one.

  2. Make sure row 27 and LCD pin 3 are connected together.

  3. Make sure you are reading the microcontroller pin out schematic correctly. For instance, the top left of the MCU, with the half circle pointed upwards, is pin 1, and you count upwards, counter-clockwise.


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