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Project Help and Ideas » R/C HELP!

July 20, 2009
by BenjaminLynus
BenjaminLynus's Avatar

I think I have got everything set up, I've tested the Apache server, and it works, but when I enter (myip) /car.php the iphone's safari returns "Safari cannot download this file"

What should I do?


July 20, 2009
by BenjaminLynus
BenjaminLynus's Avatar

Found the fix: UBUNTU:

sudo apt-get install apache2

sudo apt-get install php5

sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

But ran into another problem! It's not working. I try to run the python script but get: "No module named serial" Do I need to put it into a certain dir/?

Computer:2 Me: 0


July 20, 2009
by BenjaminLynus
BenjaminLynus's Avatar

Wow I'm not doing so good!!!

I found the solution to ^^^ UBUNTU:

sudo apt-get install python-setuptools

sudo easy_install pyserial

Ok so that fixes the serial module problem. I got the python script running (I see the L/R inputs, but it is not sending the signal to the Remote Control. I am not using the same RC car as the tut, but one extremely similar, here's how my breadboard is connected.

UP: to the right pin of the MOSFET (looking at the flat side), the middle is ground (-) and the right connects to MCU pin 12 (PD6) DOWN: to the right pin of the MOSFET (looking at the flat side), the middle is ground (-) and the right connects to MCU pin 17 (PB3) LEFT: to the right pin of the MOSFET (looking at the flat side), the middle is ground (-) and the right connects to MCU pin 5 (PD3) RIGHT:to the right pin of the MOSFET (looking at the flat side), the middle is ground (-) and the right connects to MCU pin 11 (PD5)

CPU:3 ME:0


July 20, 2009
by BenjaminLynus
BenjaminLynus's Avatar

So I just tried switching it around, rt to left and left to rt. and i got some twitching (left right) but when i tried to do that with the other side, no dice, it just stopped moving.. I'll upload pics tomorrow...

July 20, 2009
by BenjaminLynus
BenjaminLynus's Avatar


Its 2:17 AM

The RC Car works! I've got consistent results, but I haven't got the hang of the controls... I hold the top and the motor just spasms, but when I drag my finger, it goes forward, I've also made it go backwards once but I don't know how I did it. When I load the .php file from my iphone, there is no Nerdkits symbol like the one in the video. I haven't managed to get the r/c car to turn, or control with ease.


July 20, 2009
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

Sorry I can't help with this one, but I think your scoring system is wrong - when you fail, Computer++, but when you solve a problem you don't award yourself a point.

I make it as

Computer 3 : You : 3.5

I noticed you popped into the IRC channel earlier - There seems to be people in most of the time now - but we don't pay alot of attention. You're best bet is to hang around for a while (checking every so often), eventually someone will spot you. Most popular time seems to be around 20:00 GMT (

Good luck with your project, keep us posted with your results (and award a few points to your self every once in a while :D )

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