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Basic Electronics » LCD Only showing 2 black Lines ?????

June 05, 2011
by mja
mja's Avatar

I have read through threads regarding the 2 Black Lines on the LCD.

I am just trying the first project and amnot getting the message, just 2 black Lines. I have rewired and made sure the wires are correct. I will upload some pics of the project.



Alt Text Alt Text

June 05, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Well first thing where is your programming switch on pin14?


June 05, 2011
by mja
mja's Avatar

Hi, I havent got to that part yet, At this point it should just show message when the battery is connected, does the wiring look ok to you.

Thanks for helping.


June 05, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hi mja,

I'd double check the wires going into the lcd becuase you always need to have good connections in it. And also double or triple check your lcd wiring becuase it can be a pain in the #ss if you have wires going in every direction.

Also the pictures look a little blurry so it is hard to tell were some of the pins are. If you repost more clearer photos it might help :).

For some reason it looks like the top pic doesn't have pins 13 and 12 of the lcd wired up. I'm not sure. It also looks funny because you have it on top of a box of breadboard wire so it is confusing on the top photo.


June 05, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Did you end up getting it to work?

June 06, 2011
by mja
mja's Avatar

Still no luck , tried to put an led on board point 27 to see if the code was working, as suggested by Humberto but the led doesn't come on at all, its supposed to blink.

I will be going over all the wiring tonight and hopefully get it working.


June 06, 2011
by mja
mja's Avatar

Hi, Ive got it all sorted, It was the chip, it had lost its flash, i reloaded the intialload file and all is well.

Thanks for all the helped.


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