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Basic Electronics » "-U": The system could not find the file specified ERROR

June 06, 2011
by pgdsmca
pgdsmca's Avatar

Im using windows 7 64 bit and I downloaded and installed the PL-2303 app file from the site and my computer does not recognize the USB serial connector. I am using this for the first time on a laptop and I was able to compile with ease on a desktop with XP after installing the app. Under Device Mngr my system is classifying the serial connector under "other devices" and located at Port_#0002.Hub_#0004. When I try to compile a program I recieve the error message stated in the title of this thread. Also, this occurs while trying to compile all programs, not just one. Any advice would be appreciated.

June 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Hi pgdsmca, there is a newer Windows 7 driver in the Library


June 07, 2011
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

USB problems are related to com ports. A file that can't be found is more likely a problem with the installation of win-avr. Double check that you didn't miss a step during the setup. Or remove and reinstall win-avr.

June 07, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi pgdsmca,

As Ralph mentioned, this definitely seems to be a problem with your cable driver. The fact that it is under "other devices" and not the Ports section suggest it is not being properly identified by your computer. Give the driver that Ralph pointed you to a shot.


June 07, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hey Hevans,

I was just browsing the forums and there looks like there is a lot of people with issues on the prolific serial driver for windows 7. Maybe you guys could make a link to an alternate driver to Win 7 in the members section instead of trying to answer every post. But just a suggestion.


June 08, 2011
by pgdsmca
pgdsmca's Avatar

That was it. Thanks guys for the help. I thought that there might be a different driver download but I didn't see it on the download page. But all codes compile now with no problems, thanks.

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