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Support Forum » AVR Insight Com Port problem

June 11, 2011
by jstockma
jstockma's Avatar

I would like to use the AVR Insight program to debug some code, but it only gives me the choice of Com ports 1 and 3. The Nerdkit USB cable is connected to Com port 12. Is there any way that I can select that com port for use with the AVR Insight progam. I am using Vista and I have installed PL-2303. The device manager screen is showing that the Nerdkit's usb cable is on Com 12. Can you offer any advice?

June 12, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I do not know if there are many (any) Insight users here.

It would be great to have a debug environment so please keep us posted on what you find out and how you use it.

I believe most "debugging" is done using the LCD to print messages.

As Insight is a .tcl script which is OS agnostic there seems like there should have been a com option in the install.

Which script did you use to do the install on Windows (Vista). The README shows how to do a unix install.

I am very interested in using Insight on both OS X and Windows 7 or XP.


June 12, 2011
by jstockma
jstockma's Avatar

AVR Insight came with the WinAVR Studio. It is a free download from the WINAVR site. I just installed it along with the Programer's Notebook application. Clearly it is not communicating with the AVR MCU. I need to check variable values and register info which I cannot do with just the compiler. Hopefully the folks are Nerdkits can help.

June 13, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

I do not use Windows often so I had not seen Insight.

I do not think I have ever seen it mentioned in any debugger discussions. There have not been that many debugger discussions.

I opened windows and played around with Insight managing to really get it confused about attaching to a program until it gave me this:

It acts like it wants an .exe file to attach to I tried a .c file and a .hex file.

The .exe file has to be compiled with debug information.

I know how to do that using Visual Studio but not using AVR-gcc.

You set the com port using File --> Target Settings!!

Let us know what you learn, it would be great to have a debugger!


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