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Support Forum » Temp Sensor Issue

June 27, 2011
by Happy
Happy's Avatar

Other than a bad temp sensor, is there anything else that would cause the temp to display incorrectly?

I was making some conversions and building off the _edu code, so I figured I may have messed something up along the way. So I uploaded the sample code from the tempsensor folder and the display is still off. It seems to immediately be in the correct range upon supplying power, but then continues to lower itself and settle approx 20F lower than actual, which takes 3-5 seconds. I have rebuilt the kit a couple of times, everything still works, but the temperature is being displayed incorrectly. Any thoughts?

June 27, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

If you are running off battery power, a weak battery can cause the issue you describe. Try a fresh battery - or use another form of power and see if your problem goes away.


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