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Microcontroller Programming » Aurdino Code to basic C

July 02, 2011
by uml_12
uml_12's Avatar

I understand there is a similar thread on the boards but I didn't want to hijack that for my particular question.

soo there is PLENTY of aurdino solutions to all my problems on google. The problem is that when I read the code, there are a bunch of functions (digitalwrite, setpin .. or something like that) they use which is great and it totally makes the code much easier to read. But definitely not easier to understand. When I try to figure out what the functions mean and how they work, all i get is java.

So how do you go about reading/understanding aurdino functions without knowing java ? .. err whatever language it is in if not that. It does make sense to have a library that does something specific. But i dont see the point if you can't actually read the libraries and be able to modify them if needed.

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