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Microcontroller Programming » Where can I find a cheap ISP Programmer?

July 07, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

I am looking to start playing with Surface Mount Devices and am looking at an SMD version of the ATMega168. So I am looking for an ISP Programmer to program the NerdKits bootloader onto to chip. Where can I find a cheap one?

July 07, 2011
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

I use my nerdkit as an ISP programmer - give it a try ...

Nerdkit ISP Programmer

July 07, 2011
by rboggs10
rboggs10's Avatar

Ok I will try.

July 07, 2011
by Noter
Noter's Avatar

I think you are the 1st to give it a go so don't be shy about asking questions if you need help.

July 08, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

When you are ready to load your bootloader, I have a writeup in the NK Library HERE. It should take you step by step through the installation on a stock blank micro.

There is also a reference to an inexpensive ISP programmer kit If for some reason you want to go that way. If you do though, make sure to specify the USBASP firmware as others have had issues with his "Standard" firmware.


July 08, 2011
by gcharris
gcharris's Avatar

I bought one of these-- works very well.

July 08, 2011
by gcharris
gcharris's Avatar

Dunno what happened there. Try this:

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