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Support Forum » battery gets really hot

July 14, 2011
by adas254
adas254's Avatar

hey i just got my nerd kit today and tried the first project and when i plugged the battery two lines went on the lcd and after a few seconds i unplugged the bat and its realyyyyyyyyyyyy hot. can anybody give reason why this happened? and is it possible that the battery might blow up? please help me

July 14, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi addas254,

Most likely you have connected something incorrectly which is causing a large current draw. Double check all your wiring, if you post clear close up pictures of your setup we can try to help you spot the problem.


July 15, 2011
by adas254
adas254's Avatar

Thanks, i saw the problem i seem to have mixed up the wires that go to ground and +5, i think it caused a short circuit there.

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