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Everything Else » NerdKits Video is Finalist In IEEE Competition -- Your Vote Requested

July 29, 2009
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar


NerdKits has been selected as one of the finalists in the IEEE Engineering Your World competition, and we need your help to win!

The IEEE is the leading professional society for electrical engineering. As part of its 125th Anniversary, the IEEE is holding a video competition demonstrating how people can use engineering to make their lives better.

As we are in the business of getting people excited about engineering, and showing how it can be easy and fun to play with electronics, we put together a shorter version of our meat thermometer video and submitted it to the competition. We are one of 5 finalists in the competition and now we need your vote to put us over the edge!

To vote for our video you first need to create a web account with IEEE. This only takes a few minutes, and is completely free. If you already have an IEEE account, you can skip to step 4.

  1. Go to:
  2. Click on "Create an IEEE account" and follow the instructions.
  3. Their UI for this is kind of odd so be careful: your username needs to be ALL-CAPS and password needs to be at least 8 characters (if you don't meet their criteria the first time you have to start the form all over)
  4. Once you have an account go here:
  5. Click on the Sign In link towards the top right corner. (If you click on the individual links you might end up on their forums somewhere)
  6. Once you sign in with your new username and password it will take you back to the page where you can vote. Our video is Meat Thermometer, the second one from the top.

We would really appreciate your vote!

Humberto & Mike

July 29, 2009
by rajabalu21
rajabalu21's Avatar

Voted. You deserve it. All the best guys!

July 30, 2009
by mcai8sh4
mcai8sh4's Avatar

Best of luck to you guys (you're winning at present!!).

August 01, 2009
by mario
mario's Avatar

I just received my nerdkits kit.

Vote #24 is mine on the poll.

To me, I don't think it's fair, the quality of the information it's far superior of any of the other videos. Maybe it should be in a different category (if it exists).

Still, hope you win.


August 08, 2009
by mario
mario's Avatar

What happened?

Did you win?

CanĀ“t seem to get the voting page or the result page.

August 08, 2009
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

The voting was down to the wire. The NerdKits video was down by 3 votes a few minutes before the deadline, and all the videos and vote tallies were taken down right at the deadline. There is no information on their website about when they would release the official results, but we will be sure to let everyone know when we hear anything official.

Thanks to everybody that voted for us!


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