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Support Forum » PL2303 USB-serial driver on Mac OS X 10.7 (aka Lion)
July 26, 2011 by jeffpar ![]() |
I successfully reprogrammed my NerdKit earlier this month when my MacBook was running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). However, since then, I've updated to OS X 10.7 (Lion), and it appears that the PL2303 USB-serial driver isn't functioning properly under 10.7. I've tried reinstalling the driver, but the serial device that used to show up (/dev/cu.PL2303-00002006) is no longer there. Googling for OS X 10.7/Lion issues involving the PL2303 serial chip produces a few hits (e.g., "Is Your Serial Ready for Lion" --, but I have no idea whether downloading a new driver from, say, the Prolific website is the right thing to do for the particular cable that ships with the NerdKit. Any thoughts? Thanks! |
July 27, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
I'd definitely go for the newest driver from either Prolific or the MacPack. Now I am glad my Mac mini is to old to run Lion, I was ready to upgrade last week but found out I needed a 64 bit processor. Now if there are driver issue, which isn't surprising, than for once I do not need to worry. Good Luck, Ralph |
July 27, 2011 by jeffpar ![]() |
Good news: I installed the Prolific PL2303 driver (, and it works! Just had to change my makefiles to reference the port as "/dev/cu.usbserial" now. Cheers. |
August 03, 2011 by popwarsweet ![]() |
Thanks for the link to the new drivers, I was having the same problem. This should be stickied! |
August 03, 2011 by missle3944 ![]() |
You guys should post this in the library for others. Because it sounds like it could be a recurring time for new nerdkitters with newer macs :) -missle3944 |
August 03, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
I had the link to the new Windows 7 Prolific USB driver listed in the Library. I just added the OS X (Lion) link. The Library is basically a "public" WiKi style operation so we do not need to see this any more:
Everybody can and please do post to the Library. missl33944 you are one of "You guys" now, you could have published the link in the Library. Ralph |
August 03, 2011 by missle3944 ![]() |
Haha Ok Ralph, roger that. I just thought you guys could do it because I don't want to screw it up. I'm running on windows so I have no idea what you are talking about. :) -Dan |
August 04, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Hi Dan (it is so much nicer to have a name), everyone should be familiar with the Library. It is easy to get around in to view how other pages have been setup so anyone can make a entry. It is not by itself very friendly and uses a rather arcane syntax but it is using the same engine that drives this forum so there is help available. If you just re-use what others have done to get the syntax and substitute your content you too can be one of the guys. It is browser based so your OS has nothing to do with it. It is probable easiest to do your development in a text editor and then copy and paste into the Library. Looking forward to seeing everyones contributions. We should start a new thread about the Library instead of hijacking this one, it really should be more openly discussed. With a question/answer section to learn how to make entries and edit existing entries. Ralph |
August 04, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
I think he was referring to the fact that he runs Windows and didn't feel comfortable trying to write up something in the library for a mac user. Frankly I wouldn't try adding something mac specific to the library as I don't own one and probably never will. Since I don't own one, I'm not familiar enough with them to offer advice. Thus I would also refer to someone who has one to give the library support. Rick |
August 04, 2011 by missle3944 ![]() |
Thats what I mean't more: I don't have mac so I have no clue what you guys are talking about. Thanks Rick :) -Dan |
August 04, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
NP, thats how I read what you had posted anyway. |
August 05, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Are you kidding me, neither one of you can post a link to the Library to download a driver? jeffpar published the link here in this thread All you would have to do, would be to make up a page in the Library and post the link. What does that have to do with the operating system? It could have been a link to a movie, would that have intimidated anyone? DISCLAIMER: please do not publish links to movies in the Library unless they are relavent. Dan thought it would be a good idea for "the guys" to post the link. I was just pointing out that he was capable of being one of the guys. Here was a perfect opportunity to help, to provide a service and to learn. If you think about it a little more you will see that "it" has nothing to do with the Operating System other than the fact that it is concerning a "LINK" to a driver. What is pertinent, is that a LINK is published. Plus the Library is open for WiKi style editing so if you post something that is not correct someone else can edit/correct it. In fact even if you post something that is correct someone else can edit/screw it up. Just Do It! I really just wanted to encourage everyone to use and contribute to the Library it's an open environment, as your mind (with limits) should be. Ralph |
August 05, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
Personally, if I can't support questions on something I've posted, I'd rather not post it. I'm not going to post help, links, info, etc... for drivers or anything related to an OS I don't have or am remotely familiar with. The closest I may come would be to link an earlier forum response. But probably not even that. I just feel it's better for people with experience with something to offer helpful information about it. I fully understand Dan's hesitation. BTW, Ralph, are either of your avatar's you? The one has the mountain man beard going on and the other looks a little older and more distinguished. Rick |
August 05, 2011 by Noter ![]() |
I agree with Rick and Dan. Since I don't have an apple computer or know anything about them, I wouldn't post a library entry on things that are specific to that platform. So Ralph, since you have an apple and obviously feel strongly about it, would you please update the library with the info? I'm sure it will be appreciated by other apple users. |
August 05, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
It's just a link it has absolutely nothing to do with OS. The link was given here in this thread already all that needed to be done was to copy it to a page in the Library. There already was a Windows 7 page with a link for the Windows 7 USB Prolific driver. All that was needed was to add the link for the OS X driver and change the title of the page. Paul if you had read the whole thread you would have seen that when I started this current conversation I had updated the Library. Right after Dan's "you guys" post. Dan had a valid idea that someone should post the link for the driver. I have never been OS centric I even had a computer with a Radio Shack graphic OS back before Windows 2 which was my first Windows OS. Of course I had DOS machines and a 36 floppy disk early early version of Linux. Of course for my work I have had to play around on some IBM mainframes and I had the first AS400 with a PC card. But all that was need was a link to be posted. Here is Dan a thirteen year old (I think he has said) being intimidated by something new, I can understand his lack of experience might inhibit his jumping into something new and I can see where referencing something from a different OS might give him pause. I think once he thinks about it and makes some contributions to the Library he will think back on this and laugh at himself. Especially when he sees there is no logical link between a web link posting and a OS. For you guys (Rick and Paul) to encourage him to shrink back and stay hiding behind his OS (using his OS as an excuse to not do something) is strange. Of course the reason I changed my Avatar photo was to illustrate what happens to one with a open mind with out limits. Definitely not a pretty picture. Ralph |
August 05, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
I wasn't encouraging him to shrink back, just not trying to force him into something he doesn't feel comfortable doing. Also, I agree with him that I wouldn't post something I wasn't comfortable doing. Whether you believe it or not, posting a link for an OS specific driver may infer that the person posting the link may have some knowledge of what to do with the content at the other end of said link. I for one would not. As I said earlier, I don't own a mac. I have absolutely nothing against them, other than I think they are overpriced for what you get. I won't knock anyone for choosing to use a mac, PC, or linux based machine. Like you Ralph, I have been through several machines. I purchased my 1st home computer in 1982. It was a Radio Shack color computer. The processor was a 6809E and it had 16K Ram. The micro-controllers we are playing with today have more power less the video generation hardware. I have also played with different varieties of linux but never stuck with it enough to really grasp it's command line. I was in PC's from the DOS 2.X varieties and windows since windows 286. Yes back before windows supported sound, video, or CD's. So we do share some common history. On this subject, though, I think we will just have to shake hands and agree that we disagree. BTW, you never did answer my question. Are either of those Avatar photo's you? Just curious more than anything I guess. Sometimes it's nice to put a face to the people you become aquanted with. Rick |
August 05, 2011 by Noter ![]() |
Ralph, If you already put it in the library then what's all the hoopla about? |
August 06, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
The hoopla was about encouraging Dan and others that might read this thread to become "one of the Guys"". It was never about the OS, that is why I found yours and Ricks remarks a little strange. When I replied to Dan's:
This digressed into the OS being the subject instead of Dan becoming one of the guys, I apologize I should have handled the flow better. But (and here I go again) this has brought up some interesting thinking (at least I find it interesting). First thing Rick and Paul you are dating yourselves. While I understand what you are saying, you are missing the beauty (dynamics) of a WiKi. With a WiKi the primary responsibility for a posting lies with the community not with the "original" poster. It is a entirely new paradigm and requires modified thinking. There isn't even any attributes to a posting except for the last edit of the page, unless you specifically add the attribute to the content. So what I was try to do, was to point out to this 13 year old kid that he too could be one of "the guys". That he could make a contribution to the community at large with out fear of "Doing Something Wrong", that today he has the privilege of having a say in things. He doesn't have to wait until he is a adult or has credentials to contribute. It's the act of contributing that is important far beyond the "accuracy or veracity" of the actual posting because the "COMMUNITY" is responsible for the accuracy of the content. The cop out that you do not know anything about OS X is not valid, and certainly is no excuse to not contribute to the community. The first thing is that you do know things about OS X. You know it requires USB drivers. I know you know this because you have read this thread and it says OS X needs a USB driver, so there you know that, now contribute. So now you and all that have read this thread know this fact. GUESS WHAT!! Now you have a responsibility to it (the fact that OS X [Lion] works better with a new Prolific USB driver). And part of that responsibility, is, that if you "perceive" a need, in this day and age you are empowered to do something about it! You no longer have to be an expert, remember "They do not know you are a dog on the Internet". You should never automatically believe everything you read on the Internet, things you trust have to have validation, if you are just googling your way around the Internet blindly believing everything you see and read, you are going to get hurt or most likely hurt others. So you have a good idea that something should be shared with the community at large. As Dan did with his "you guys" post. Well I just wanted to illustrate to him that he could do something about it. If he saw a need he didn't have to "leave it up" to anyone else he could have contributed immediately upon his perception of the need. He could take action. That is new, whoever 40 years ago would have thought that a 13 year old could make a immediate contribution to a community. Whoever 30, 20, 10 or even 5 years ago would have thought that such a thing was possible. But now we have it (the Library) and "it" is our responsibility. We are responsible for it's content and the accuracy of the content, but also responsible to make sure others know it is available and how to use it. How they can read the content but more so how they can contribute. The Link in question in this thread was already published here in this thread. All that was required was a simple copy/paste and some page title editing or new page creation. A nice touch would have been to attribute this thread on the download page so that other people that wanted/needed more information would have the link to this thread. Dan already is making a significant contribution to the Nerdkits community with his questions and his published projects. I expect to see lots more from him. So if Dan had published the link in the library and it was wrong or needed further elucidation someone in the community would have corrected it. Very little of the content in the Library has direct attribution you can not "contact the author" to ask for help or further information that is not the function of the library that is what this forum is for. Yes Rick that handsome guy is me, or was me. I was prompted to change the photo to a picture of a past self when I had made the quip:
about having a open mind but that it should be with limits, obviously a open mind without limitsas reflected in that furry image is a scary thing. The previously image was of Ralph the at times high paid computer systems consultant, the picture was from a id for a job I had where the final billing for my time was over $300.00 an hour (of which I was paid $65.00 and paid my own taxes). Those that have get more, those that don't pay. Ralph |
August 06, 2011 by Noter ![]() |
Well Ralph, no one has to post anything in or take responsibility for the library if they don't want to no matter what their reason. It's a personal and free choice. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean they are wrong or being old fashioned. And, this forum is about electronics, not the psychology of defectives as you have pictured in your new avatar. It is inappropriate to address such issues here. |
August 06, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Naaaa things come up in a community and in conversation. The thing is that now people have the opportunity to contribute. If they take advantage of it, it might be to their advantage. Employers are finally looking at peoples postings to see if they really want to hire someone, so being an active poster is now a part of ones resume. I was asking people about their postings 15 years ago and was considered strange, now it is the norm. Things change, some people don't. Of course as always I am always grateful for yours and Ricks contributions . Your being a stickler about having and knowing all of the details of your postings is certainly appreciated. It's that a young man like Dan does not have the knowledge or experience that you and Rick have but that does not make him any less qualified to make a contribution to the Library. Because as I have said, the final authority of WiKi postings, is the community and that is exactly what I was telling Dan that he could do. Ralph |
August 07, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
Ralph, I won't even say I know all of the details about my postings, just that they are within my comfort zone. I also don't have a problem with anyone posting in the library if they feel comfortable doing so. In your initial replay to Dan you simply told him that he was now one of us by saying: ■■ missl33944 you are one of "You guys" now, you could have published the link in the Library. I think that was a perfectly welcoming statement. Letting him know he's part of the group. But then you went on in the post after that and, maybe I took it wrongly, but it seemed as if you were pushing him pretty hard. If I mis-interpreted what you were trying to say I apologize. I've been the "Dan" before. I've lurked in forums and read and read. This is the only forum I've ever been what could be considered "Active" in. Most of the time I just read and might post an occasional question. For example, I've been a member of AVRFreaks for about 3 years and I don't believe I've posted there once. I've also seen how the elite at AVRFreaks can shoot people down so quickly that some become afraid to post or flame wars start. So far this community has avoided much of that. I believe the reason is that we as a community have accepted everyone for who they are and honestly try to help. There are some that grasp it quicker than others, there are some, that already had a fair understanding or deep understanding and provide the help. Do we sometimes get irritated and show it... Unfortunately yes - but as a family, we tend to work it out pretty quickly and civily. (Is civily even a word?? As for the library, I was honored when I was asked to help in the initial startup. However, even with my "advanced beginner" level, I didn't feel real comfortable setting it up. I've never done anything with a WIKI before. So it felt out of place. I guess that's why I understood Dan's position and also why my contribution to the library has not been what others have done. I honestly don't even know how much the library is viewed. Without having a main menu link, it's kinda hidden away. Anyway, I guess I've beaten this horse enough. I just wanted to try to clarify myself a bit. So Ralph.. Really are either of those two avatar photo's you? Are they both you? Is the one a younger big beard guy and the other the more mature grandfather? I'm dying to know and you just keep me hanging Your Nerdkit Friend, Rick |
August 07, 2011 by hevans (NerdKits Staff) ![]() |
Hi everybody, I don't mean to prolong this discussion, I think everything folks wanted to say has already been said, and I think many excellent points were made. What I would like to do is point out that ultimately what matters is that excellent learning is happening, after all we did manage to find a working driver, and now there are links to it from here and from our library. Matters of policy and procedure will always be fodder for discussion but as long as we keep helping each other (which you all definitely are doing) we will keep thriving as a place where everybody can learn. Humberto |
August 07, 2011 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Yes Rick that handsome middle aged, 64 year old, proud Grand Father of one with another on the way, is me. I have changed it again so that now you are seeing the current me. I was trying to inject a little humour when I made mention of having a "open mind without limits" and wanted to illustrate what happens to those that do not impose limits. Now I am afraid we are far off topic so I'll just say that I was using Dan's "you guys" remark to publicize the Library. And wanted him and everybody to know that they were capable of being "one of the guys" and able to contribute to the community. Understanding a WiKi is new, the whole concept of a "open" environment is strange. I believe you can see the logic of why I was emphasizing that Dan was perfectly capable of posting a link in the library, because the ultimate authority over the Library is the community. This means that the Library can fail, that it can be a collection of garbage because no one cares to take the time to occasionally read what is/has been posted. But the thing is that we all can participate in making the Library a truly helpful asset. Regarding the attribute or responsibility to who posted what, that really is not important, as it is I am listed as the last person to edit a lot of the pages in the Library. That doesn't mean that I posted the content but that I was the last person to make a spelling correction on the page. So I'll often try to promote the Library, I hope some one reading this thread has visited the Library for the first time and has seen something they like, or saw that hey I could contribute. I wish we could use animated .gifs for the Avatar. Ralph |
August 07, 2011 by Rick_S ![]() |
Sorry Humberto, You are correct, this discussion took on a life of it's own and was way off topic. I won't add anymore. |
July 26, 2012 by UncleGee ![]() |
The link doesn't work anymore. Just my luck! I'm having the same problem with LION. |
July 26, 2012 by UncleGee ![]() |
I found a driver, cable is working now, but this is where it ends. I've check my connections, now I'm thinking maybe I need to get a programmer and run the boot loader? see image, please [IMG][/IMG] |
July 26, 2012 by Rick_S ![]() |
You are very close. Double check your wiring. Maybe post overhead photos of your setup if you don't get it going. Rick |
July 27, 2012 by Ralphxyz ![]() |
Unplug your USB and plug it back in, there is voltage on the yellow wire that will keep some (especially Macs) in a zombie (semi powered) state, and of course reboot!! If that fails strip your breadboard and start over, add a DPST (double pole single throw) switch to the yellow and green USB wires. Ralph |
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