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Support Forum » Programmer did not respond to command:chip erase

August 06, 2011
by SirHobbes3
SirHobbes3's Avatar

I am trying to send the ledarray test code to the mcc and i get the error below..... Image Error

Plese help!

August 06, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Battery or other power?

August 06, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Reboot, reboot unplug and replug your USB.


August 07, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi SirHobbes,

Have you tried flashing a different program to your chip? Is it just the ledarray code that does this?

Some pictures of your setup might also help us spot the issue, and ass Rick said above, this problem most likely related a battery or power issue.


August 08, 2011
by SirHobbes3
SirHobbes3's Avatar

I am using the 9v power supply to power the kit for the ledarray and i will try the suggestions and post back again very soon.

Thank you guys!!

August 11, 2011
by SirHobbes3
SirHobbes3's Avatar

The program is not the problem is the others do it as well, so it is a wiring problem...

The issue is a power issue, i ran just the mcu with a battery and the code went to the mcu fine,but the power adapter does not work. i do not know because the voltage coming from it is more than the battery at 8.90 volts. this is a very odd probelm....

August 11, 2011
by hevans
(NerdKits Staff)

hevans's Avatar

Hi SirHobbes3,

Perhaps you are wiring up your power adapter incorrectly. Double check the output leads have the voltage you expect, and make sure you are hooking it up to the 7805 correctly.


August 11, 2011
by SirHobbes3
SirHobbes3's Avatar

Problem solved!!

We went and bought a 9v power supply at radioshack, it fitted right and all, but it only porduced 300milliamps, the original produced 700. So we ordered another from AllElectronics and it should work, it's same as the original.

Thanks for all ur help, and we found the problem!

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