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NerdKits Newsletter Archives » NerdKits Newsletter #3 - Educational Videos and Customer Projects

July 30, 2009
by mrobbins
(NerdKits Staff)

mrobbins's Avatar

This newsletter was released on July 4, 2009.

Hi! This is the third edition of the NerdKits newsletter, where we keep you updated about all the goings-on at NerdKits.

In this issue:

  1. New NerdKits Video Tutorials
  2. Projects from our Customers
  3. Community Awards
  4. NerdKits on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook


We've released two new video tutorials since our last newsletter. The first is titled "DIY Meat Thermometer with Predictive Filter". This looks at signal processing topics, and tries to build intuition about how we can use math and the computing power of the microcontroller to make a slow sensor faster. You can see it at:

Our latest video is titled "Motors and Microcontrollers 101". In this video, we discuss the basics of electric motors, including 9 simple experiments you should try for yourself to help you understand some of the details about how motors behave, and information about how to drive them from your NerdKit. You can check this one out at:

We're always interested in your feedback about the content we're producing. Please send us an e-mail or use our feedback form:


If you haven't stopped by the forums lately, here's some of what other NerdKits customers are doing with their kits:

Beer Ferment Bot

The NerdKit ensures a precise temperature profile during a week-long fermentation process. Hey Don, how did it taste?

Binary Clock

Ten LEDs are used to keep time in hours and minutes. An excellent application of our "Crystal Real Time Clock" tutorial.

Temperature Sensor with Scrolling Display

In addition to showing the temperature in multiple scales, this video and code shows how to have a scrolling line of text on the LCD.

There are more projects in the forum... submit yours and include some photos or video!


We continue to be excited about the welcoming environment that everyone has helped make on our forums. Keep it up!

This month, we would like to recognize two members. First, we would like to recognize mcai8sh4 for being an outstanding forum participant, always ready to help and provide encouragement to new members. Second, we would like to recognize BobaMosfet for having the most creative username we've seen to date! We will be sending mcai8sh4 and BobaMosfet an extra "Build Your Own Project Pack" each for their USB NerdKits, which includes a breadboard, MCU, and crystal, as a token of our appreciation.

Again, thanks to all community participants, and we hope to recognize others in the future.


We may be a bit behind the times, but we're just getting started with this whole "social networking" scene. Please take a few minutes and help us get started!

Follow us on Twitter:

Become a fan on Facebook:

Subscribe to our YouTube channel:

We would really appreciate it if you would connect to us on each of these methods if you have accounts on those services. This will help you stay current on the latest NerdKits projects and other news, and will help show your support for our efforts.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for being such great customers. Make sure you tell your friends and neighbors about NerdKits so we can keep America's DIY spirit alive!

Best wishes,

Humberto & Mike
NerdKits, L.L.C.

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