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Microcontroller Programming » MCU Configuration

September 07, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

Thought this might help: Can anyone tell me what each pin does?

September 07, 2011
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

The datasheet from the Downloads area will tell you that. Or is it a quiz?

Actually, a brief summary of each pin's alternate function would be a useful thing to add to the Library.

September 07, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

I don't understand the pin symbol or description.

September 07, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Ok so like bretm said this would make a good summary in the Library.

So lets start here:

Now with the specsheet at hand what don't you understand?

Be specific so we can get some good answers to put in the Library and answer your questions.


September 07, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

I put together a diagram showing the Symbol and Description;

In connecting the LCD the pins used were 14,15,16,21, 22, and 23. They are identified as Port D(s). That, to me, means nothing since I don't know what the corresponding pin entries of the LCD. Port D, I guess, means these pins facilitate outputs of the MCU. I suspect that pin numbers 23,23,23 and 26 of the MCU could be used for the same purpose since they are also "port" pins. How do I write a program in "C" to utilize the pins of the MCU?

September 07, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hi ednachman,

Just go through the nerdkits guide and it will show you the basics of using the ports on the mcu. I think for me, the easiest part in the guide for port pins was the LED Blink tutorial. Hope this helps


September 07, 2011
by missle3944
missle3944's Avatar

Hi ednachman,

Just go through the nerdkits guide and it will show you the basics of using the ports on the mcu. I think for me, the easiest part in the guide for port pins was the LED Blink tutorial. Hope this helps


September 08, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Dan, I didn't know you had a stutter :-)

ednachman, slow down, go through the nerdkit guide as Dan suggested even if you do not "understand" what you are doing.

The nice thing about the nerdkit guide is you do not have to understand, that the understanding comes from working your way through the guide and the specsheet.

You might even go through the guide three or four times.

As far as the mcu pins have you at least read the specsheet? Or at least tried to read it, I know it is not "easy reading" but it's absolutely amazing how it sorta grows on you. After reading some sections maybe 10 times I can actually say I understand that part.

Now [quote] They are identified as Port D(s). That, to me, means nothing since I don't know what the corresponding pin entries of the LCD. [/quote]

Are you asking about the pins on the mcu or the pins on the LCD?

Do you see what you are doing to yourself.

Focus, look up the mcu pins in the specsheet, just do a search.

For example you can search for PCINT14 (pin 1 Reset)

RESET/PCINT14 – Port C, Bit 6
RESET, Reset pin: When the RSTDISBL Fuse is programmed, this pin functions as a normal I/O pin, and the part will have to rely on Power-on Reset and Brown-out Reset as its reset sources. When the RSTDISBL Fuse is unprogrammed, the reset circuitry is connected to the pin, and the pin can not be used as an I/O pin.
If PC6 is used as a reset pin, DDC6, PORTC6 and PINC6 will all read 0.
PCINT14: Pin Change Interrupt source 14. The PC6 pin can serve as an external interrupt source.

Plus there is more.

Once you have worked through the 28 pins on the mcu then get ahold of the specsheet for the LCD.

When you have specific questions ask away.

Of course every time you read a section of the specsheet that will probable prompt more questions such as from the spec quote above what the heck is a RSTDISBL Fuse?

But that is just another question that you need to search the specsheet for and if you are stuck ask us here.


September 08, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

Ralphxyz and Dan,

Thanks for the advice. You won't be hearing from me untill I go through the entire manual at least onece and get some understanding as you suggested. Thanks again

September 08, 2011
by bretm
bretm's Avatar

I've added a page: Pin Summary

September 08, 2011
by ednachman
ednachman's Avatar

That looks just like something I need. Thanks.

September 08, 2011
by BobaMosfet
BobaMosfet's Avatar

Read the datasheet; Take a stroll through your local library; Use Google online for definitions and more... so much amazing information available for you to go at your own speed!


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