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Project Help and Ideas » long range (10km) rf transceivers

September 09, 2011
by kle8309
kle8309's Avatar

I was searching around for a long range rf transceiver module when I came across these

The pair cost US $262.15 including the shipping

I Don't know if it is worth the money

The thing I like about these is that they use uart

The alternative is the 2.8km from sureelectronics


which I have ordered since its cousin the 1km version is so easy to use

But the 10km one looks very attractive at a size of 85x58x16 mm^3

Please comment

September 10, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I would be very careful of the sureelectronics boards if you live in the USA. Especially if you live near any amatuer radio operators. Those transmitters output frequencies that require a license to operate on. The US Amateur radio band covers 420 to 450Mhz and are heavily used these days. The one sold by aliexpress seems to try to jump the amateur band. However, you may still need licensing for long distance transmission. I'd make sure I checked this before flipping the transmit switch especially if you live in a somewhat densly populated area.

Quote from American Radio Relay League (ARRL)

70 Centimeters

All Amateurs except Novices:

420.0-450.0 MHz: CW, Phone, Image, MCW, RTTY/Data


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