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Everything Else » Sometimes you win, and well, sometimes you don't

October 27, 2011
by scottmc94
scottmc94's Avatar

So I did my first order from mouser because I wanted to burn my own "virgin" atmega328p chips using Noters ISP code on my nerdkit. I luckily picked the correct MCU out of the 12,000 options... BUT when I picked the crystals I wasn't so lucky. I am now probably the only one in the world that can say his atmega's are running the nerdkits bootloader at 14.4756mhz! instead of the proper 14.7456mhz... wow, dyslexia strikes again! and I wonder why I have issues with errors at compile time.... :)


PS. The link was for you Ralphxyz :)

October 29, 2011
by Ralphxyz
Ralphxyz's Avatar

Thanks Scott, I didn't mean to be a nag.

I appreciate the link.


October 29, 2011
by scottmc94
scottmc94's Avatar

You weren't nagging, and I was just teasing :)


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