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Project Help and Ideas » LED Array kit - complete

November 02, 2011
by scottmc94
scottmc94's Avatar

I finished my Nerdkit LED Array Kit. It was a lot of soldering, but a lot of fun. When the marquee was in "production" every time the wife touched it a wire would put out and we would lose a row or column, so I changed the breadboard out for a Modern Device Really Bare Bones Board RBBB pcb board. I really like them. Now my LED Array Kit is permanent.

Here's a video of it in action for Halloween. The quality is not great, but at the end you can see the RBB pcb board. youtube


November 02, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

I like the looks of this one too: AtmegaXX8 Breakout

It has room for an additional 2 ICs and the pinouts for the AtmegaXX8 line are silkscreened on the board. If it had a 4 pin header for the UART it would be just about perfect.

November 02, 2011
by treymd
treymd's Avatar

It has room for 2 14 DIP ICs, I should clarify.

November 02, 2011
by scottmc94
scottmc94's Avatar

I looked at those, but they were bigger. I was wanting the smallest.

November 02, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

Did you use some of my functions or did you make your own?? I noticed the up/down entry of text on the display. How did it go over?


November 02, 2011
by scottmc94
scottmc94's Avatar

Crap.... I forgot to mention your code. Yes, I used yours. Just a couple small changes that I need to clean up and post.

November 02, 2011
by Rick_S
Rick_S's Avatar

I didn't care that you didn't mention it, I just thought it's behavior looked familiar. Tongue in Cheek


November 05, 2011
by killercow
killercow's Avatar

Hi Scott,

Have a look at this one designed by Starwarslegokid.

This is the thread and this is the board.

Nice work on the LED array. I haven't started mine yet, maybe over the Winter.

Just my $0.02 worth,


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